Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The duty to inform and the right to know

(May 14, 2020): How much do we really want to know the "happenings", say, in our government? on our islands? at our communities? It is easier to not find out than to have access, of course. We are so use to letting go, never minding, not knowing. That's standard operation in Chuuk -- I think, more than anywhere else in Micronesia. But, with the take-over of Facebook, many of us seem to have resorted to famous FB for "everything". Even our high ranking leaders -- at least some of them are spinning their own "news" for others to know and hear regarding current affairs. Good on them! But, at the same time, Feispuk is not liable to the layer of confusion it naturally facilitates as "socializers" take on the role of legit media. We can't really blame them, either. Including myself for that matter.

For now, let us hope at least, that our State assure the following:

1. That there is an official website for the Executive Branch. It is ok to also have a facebook page -- but an official site, first and foremost. One to be managed by the Office of the Governor, Public Information Assistant or Specialist.

2. That V6AK Radio is streamed live on the Telecom radio portal, like Yap Station (V6AI) and Pohnpei Station (V6AH). This way, it reaches further, especially during "special" programs and moments.

3. As bonus (not necessarily by the State):  A biweekly independent publication (can we?) and for the Baptist Radio to also run a AM station to reach distant communities in Chuuk.

I think nurturing a hunger for improved information-telecommunication system and providing the opportunity and capacity to achieve it would help transform our society. Along with other necessary changes. Let us begin with these. What you think?

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